Hi everyone.
I am peter from http://www.go2bagtrade.com/
I am here to share some technique to you.Hope this article will help you to distinguish "good bags ,bad bags "in your future life.
There are 3 different ranks in China replica handbag market.
1.First rank:1:1 mirror products.It's the best quality.From leather,zipper,hardware and sewing.All details are try to
100% imitate the genuine ones.Imported soft leather,YKK zipper,flawless hardware.etc.The mirror product maybe not as goods as the authentic ones.But in replica handbag market.It's the top quality.
2.second rank: Super A quality handbag.Many customers can not tell the differnce between mirror products and super A replica.The difference between them is:The mirror products use superior zipper,material and lining.The super A bags leather is not as soft as the mirror product and the zipper is not smoothy.
3.Third rank:The B rank items.It's made of cheap PU not real leahter.It's not very easy for unprofessional customers to make a distinction between real leather and PU.My suggestion is to check the material's side face.If it's real leather.There is a integral layer.The cheap PU bags' side face is devided in to 3 layers.Paint
on inner and out side of the material.But inner is man made soft(filled with very tiny bubble) stuff.Also the PU
is easier to be out of shape not as firm as the real leather.
Need more inforamtion about handbag feel free to visit our website http://www.go2bagtrade.com/